Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.
One of the reasons my kids are always excited to visit McDonald’s is the toys that come with their happy meals and the free balloons (well, and the food too). After a few hours of playing with the balloons at home, the balloons get deflated and not fit for their purpose anymore until blown up again.
I always set new goals and expectations for each year. I attain some, while I carry over some into the next year. Beating yourself over unmet goals or expectations is just depressing. Some of us have become so disappointed over a series of unrealised expectations that in order to avoid recurrence, we set no more expectations or goals. We don’t want disappointment and heartbreak. We lose drive and zeal. This approach is understandable but will only compound one’s misery of lack of achievement in life.
There is a part of us that yearns for achievement because we are created to make progress. Unmet expectations do not always signal a lack of progress. Most times, we neglect what we learn in the process despite not achieving what we hoped for. Having an expectation is the easy part; the rest of the process requires consistency, daily motivation, work and effort, not just wishes. Effort is required to blow up the balloons for my kids after deflation. You may need someone close to you to help blow your deflated motivation and expectation up again.
Why the Continuous Disappointment?
Two ladies I know very well told me recently they are not expecting anything anymore. Whatever will be, will be is now their approach. I totally understand and empathise with them because in the last few years, for them it has been disappointment from broken promises and unmet expectations. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, so says the bible. They are now tired and weary of raising their hopes in vain but that’s not the entire truth. I watched these ladies live their lives and there has been some progress. They forgot that small progress is still progress. Don’t be a victim of your expectations. You can set another one. You make the rules, remember? Why do we get disappointed continuously from unmet expectation and goals? Why are these expectations not met?
These are few thoughts to consider:
1. The Expectation may not be SMART enough
Specific – Manageable – Achieveable – Realistic – Timely (enough time to achieve it)
2. The expectation may not have any foundation in your life to build on. It will remain a wish unless thought-through plans and actions required are executed.
3. You may be expecting too much too soon. More time and investment may be required.
4. The unmet expectation may be a blessing in disguise. It may not be in line with your purpose or the timing may not be right. I believe in God and believe everything happens at the time God designed it to happen.
Doing nothing about your unmet expectations will not change the situation. I encourage you to look again to your unrealised expectations and restrategise. It can be achieved and attained. A new plan may be required.