The Art of Progress

How the year 2017 unfolded for me made me question the concept of progress in life. I started the year with great aspirations and clear goals of what I wanted to do and achieve. You may be surprised (or not) to know that everything I planned for the year didn’t go as expected. Typical, right? Not sure about you but there are somethings in life that will not just go as planned

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Own Your Story: The Daunting Task of Living and Telling a Story of Which You Are Not The Author

This may yet be the most difficult, most important blog post I will ever write. The title may not do justice to the content you are about to read. The story is personal but not unique. It’s a reflection of stories that I have heard or of people I have met before. It may not be peculiar or uncommon, yet the impact is unbelievably huge. Not all who have walked this un-chosen path ever come out uninjured or stronger.

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How to Understand the Seasons of Life

I remember shivering, standing on one of London’s overground train platforms with my fiancée (now my wife) on a Sunday evening in Autumn 2002, waiting for a train heading towards East London. I had just arrived from Nigeria to the UK to pursue my masters degree. She had warned me about the winter season that was round the corner.

One of the things I learnt quickly about seasons in the UK was how to prepare for them. From that time till February the following year, I wore two trousers, three/four layers of tops, and my overall winter coat. Not forgetting my two layers of thick socks and gloves.

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How To Be Ready Without Getting Ready For What You Want In Life.

We all must have trained or prepared for something in life once – a big event, a defining moment. It could be to lose weight to fit into smaller clothes for a special event, train for a half marathon, study for an exam, or research and rehearse for an interview. After the event, the natural instinct is to return to our old routine and habits, irrespective of whether we enjoyed the process or not, whether we achieved the desired result or not

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How To Train Your Eyes To See What You Are Looking For

It may not sound logical, but the truth is, not everyone knows exactly what they want or are looking for in life. You need description, details of what you are looking for. My family and I have a clear description and detail of what we are looking for. This has given our search purpose, focus, and direction. If you don’t know what you are looking for, anything can be what you want.

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The Heart Of The Matter

The heart is an incredible, small machine that requires protection from assault of any kind – physical or emotional. Even nature protects the heart – it is enclosed in a sac called the pericardium that protects it and anchors it to the surrounding structures. Largely, we take precaution and care for our hearts physically, but not so much from emotional assaults.

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Why You Need To Stop Following And Start Leading

For some reason on this Thursday morning, I did something I had not done in over a decade. Maybe I was tired or lazy or I just assumed I would be fine because it was not my first time using the London Victoria station. I broke one of the unwritten laws of London transport – I ignored the display signs and followed the crowd. Without checking the exit signs, I trudged after this tsunami of people, assuming they were headed the same direction as me – the exit. I was wrong.

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When You Think Your Life Is Over

Sometimes, it is difficult and nerve wrecking to think of accepting the end of a phase in life, not to mention accepting the reality of the end of life, as we know it. Letting go of what we know, are familiar and comfortable with for many years can be scary – either in issues of relationship, career or location. It is at this point we begin to ask ourselves many questions that we don’t have answers to. What do I do now? This is what I know to do all my life!

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What Do You Do When Your Best Is Not Enough?

Due to my relationship-driven personality, I have rare privileges and opportunities to listen to many people at different stages and seasons in life, and one question keeps popping up. It is a question born out of frustration and sheer determination to pin down what needs to be done to live the preferred life.

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Living The ‘Unpreferred’ Life

There are few seasons, past events, difficult situations I have experienced that, in hindsight, they are very relevant and important in developing me to live the life I crave and desire. These are what I considered then to be my “unpreferred” life. The pursuit and commitment to your preferred life will bring you an adventure of learning and development along the way.

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The Question That Can Change Everything

Questions have a unique way of stimulating your thoughts. One question that does not get asked nearly enough after becoming an adult is “why”. Many of us do not think about why we do the things we do, why we make the decisions we make, or even why we think the way we think. We most times do things because that’s the way it has always been done, or because it is the way it is expected of us.

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‎6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Personal Development

So, what’s the fuss about personal development, you may ask. It seems like a fancy word thrown around in conversations these days. You probably have heard it before. What is personal development or personal growth anyway? Exactly what the words says. It’s about discovering who you are and intentionally training and developing yourself to the best you can possibly be.

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The Power Of Suggestion

A suggestion, subtle as it is, is one of the most powerful things in the world; it registers in your subconscious. You don’t even know it’s there, but it is, building castles, informing decisions, and steering actions. It can be as simple as a billboard you saw briefly in traffic, a 5-second popup advertisement on the internet, a single word heard in passing.

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What Are You Not Asking?

Life is about asking questions and finding the right answers. The quality of answers we get in life is a reflection of the quality of questions we ask.
Like many people, I don’t like asking questions. This in order not to be seen as not intelligent or not smart or as a burden, until I discover that life is all about asking questions and seeking answers. Everyday of our lives, we are either asking a question or living out an answer we discover.

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The Paradox Of The Impossible

From one generation to another, ‘impossible’ is continuously being empowered by many failed attempts, uncontrollable fears, inadequate skills, experiences and insights.
Unknowingly,’impossible’ has become a popular vocabulary and growing giant holding many to ransom.

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Don’t Make New Year Resolutions

There is a delusion about the new year, a belief that it can work magic and change everything wrong around and within us because it’s a fresh start. There is always great motivation, a sense of freshness in the new year to do something new and different. That’s why most people have New Year resolutions, or should I say wishes. The new year does not change anything; it is people who make the year what it should or could be

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Match Point

One of my favourite sport events which I look forward to watching every summer is the Wimbledon Tennis Championship. The two weeks are always full of drama, upsets, controversies and a showcase of unbelievable talents and skills. The anticipation and expectations for the tournament add to the thrill. In all of the matches played this year, my favourite was the third round between Serena Williams (World number one and defending champion) and Heather Watson (British number one, and world number 51 at the time)

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The Gift Of Adversity

I must admit, adversity is not a popular word with me. It is not a word I like to use often or something I like to experience. This may possibly be true for you as well. After several life experiences, observations and reading about people making significant impact, I came to the conclusion that adversity is a great thing in the hands of those who refuse to give up on life.

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Busy Bees

Time is one of the precious, expensive, yet free gifts we receive every day, but most of us squander it because it does not cost us anything initially to have. Time may cost nothing to have but may cost you everything in life if not invested wisely. Everything you need to do or achieve in life will be accomplished in time.

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‎Ink Your Purpose, Pencil Your Plan

Ink your purpose, pencil your plan. Life, though scripted, is lived out as an unscripted journey with many twists and turns.
Your purpose in life hardly changes; it evolves over time based on your understanding, insight, experience and exposure. Your purpose in life is definite, sure and constant. Your plans on the other hand, can change or will change for many known and unknown reasons

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The Gift of Obscurity

Obscurity is often seen as a bad thing. Being obscure, in the shadows, where no one cares what you say, do or think is a great position to be, yet it’s not a position most of us like to stay in for too long. The modern day celebrity culture we have embraced and use of social media has changed the landscape of how we communicate and has increased the pressure to be heard and noticed.

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Success Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Success has become a pursuit for many today, but not all truly understand what success means or stands for.


Let me start with this simple statement; success is uniquely individual. You have to understand and define what success means to you, otherwise you will run the rat race endlessly. If you don’t have any pointer or reference to what or where you are going, any stop will appeal to you. Success does not necessarily mean or directly equate to money.


A father considered himself successful not because he had 10 million pounds in his bank account or ran a multi-million company, but because he sponsored his four children to the university debt free. Why? Because success is uniquely individual. He never had the opportunity to attend a university because he had to take care of his family as a teenager. He defined what success would mean to him.

As an author, I will consider myself successful when someone or a bunch of people say my writings and books changed their lives. Not all success is accomplished by money. Rather, you will have what money can’t buy, which is Influence. Influence will deliver to you on a platter of gold what money will struggle to deliver. Myles Munroe, one of my favourite Bible teachers of my time once observed; “If you become successful in an area of your life, you really become influential in the areas of life.” Thrive to succeed at what you do or are called to do and you will be honoured beyond measure. That’s influence. Success breeds influence. Most athletes and sports personalities who have been honoured by the Queen never set out to be OBEs. That’s what success in their chosen career/path brought them.


Do not be intimidated by someone else’s success story. No two success stories should be the same. Comparing your pursuit with another’s is a waste of your precious commodity, time; what success meant to you will be different from theirs. Rather, I would advise you to Identify what success means to you, understand it and commit yourself to your success because it is uniquely individual to you.


Most times, success is achieved after overcoming an obstacle or a limitation.


The Art Of Asking

You don’t always get what you ask for, but you never get what you don’t ask for…unless it’s contagious! ~ Franklyn Broude

Jack Canfield shared a simple yet insightful story of how early in his marriage he was irritated that he was the only one who carried the grocery bags on their vacation cottage’s long flight of stairs. When he finally voiced his discontent at a marriage enrichment seminar, his wife said, “Wow, I had no idea you were unhappy with the arrangement. Why didn’t you say something? I would have been glad to help you carry in the bags. All you had to do was ask.” What a simple but liberating statement – “All you had to do was ask!” 


For someone reading this post, all you may need to do, is just ask. There are so many factors that may have discouraged or conditioned us not to ask questions, clarifications or for help. If you live in Britain, you are programmed to be polite, nice and not bother anyone for any reason.  Asking may be misinterpreted as aggression. You don’t query or question – you just go with the flow. Confucius, the Chinese poet once observed, “He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not ask is a fool for life.”

Contrary to common belief, asking is an act of intelligence. It takes sheer courage and intelligence to ask about what you don’t know. And from my own observation, many who answer questions don’t consider the other person in any way less. I would like to highlight few myths about asking that may have limited people from asking.


  • Asking will make you vulnerable, appear less and needy

  • Asking will make you look stupid

  • You may be humiliated if you ask

  • You may be judged for not knowing

  • Asking is a sign of weakness. Asking implies need, need implies weakness, and weakness implies that you are not a man. Therefore, if I ask, I am not a man. (Barbara De Angelis)

  • Asking will make you indebted to the other person; obligation of receiving. 


It’s important to know that none of the above is true. They are all myths we considered true over time.  Rather, asking reflects your bravery and communicates that you are secure in yourself. Believe it or not, “Asking improves your chances of receiving by 200 percent”


Asking the Right Questions

It’s not enough to just ask questions, we need to ask the right questions to truly benefit from the art of asking. It’s a great skill I will recommend you develop. That’s what coaches do; they help you to solve your problem yourself by asking you the right questions that will draw from your inner depth. Our minds are wells of latent knowledge; you may not benefit from them until you draw deep. Many of us are content with superficial questions. But deep down, there are troubling issues to deal with that require total honesty and boldness.


One of the best persons you can ask honest and right questions is yourself. I believe that’s the starting point. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself brutal and honest questions.

It’s Time To Get The Cameras Out!

Learning to focus is a mental exercise. That’s why only few attempt it. It takes a great deal of disciplining your mind to pay attention to what’s most important. Don’t just focus, focus on what’s most important to your journey, purpose and goal. Focus on the vital few, rather than the trivial many

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But God Knew

Nothing happens in life by accident. It takes very few hurdles to accept your lot as accidental. By default, many things happen in life that can make you easily conclude in this manner: “Surely this is not part of the deal. It can’t be part of the God’s good plan for me.”

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Kindness Always Returns

One of the challenges I face when I travel abroad (especially to countries where English is not the first or official language) is the communication barrier. My experience in China two years ago was nothing short of a miracle. While moving around, I was able to get someone who could speak English (to direct me) in most of the places I visited.

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How Do You See Yourself?

I have not met one person who does not want to feel or look beautiful or handsome. This gives us the false impression that we would be noticed, loved and possibly taken seriously. That’s why some would go any length to make themselves feel or look beautiful

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The Power Of One

They say one is too small to achieve greatness or change the world. I agree but not totally. Every great move or achievement starts with one person. Every great company, idea or product starts with one person. What that one person does with what he has determines whether people will hear about their feats or not

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