September 16, 2014 Wole Sosanya

But God Knew


As part of my bible study plan for this year, I decided to read and study the Acts of the Apostles with my wife. This part of the bible had great impact in my life as a new believer. It is the picture of what the church can be, should be and will be.

Peter (in his famous first public sermon) mentioned a phrase that caught my attention afresh. After delivering the same sermon, three thousand people were attracted and believed the gospel. He was recounting the life of Jesus and his crucifixion:

People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene by doing powerful miracles, wonders and signs through him, as you well know. BUT GOD KNEW [my emphasis added] what would happen, and his pre-arranged plan was carried out when Jesus was betrayed… Acts 2:22-23 NLT

There was a shout in my spirit when I read those verses and was truly encouraged that nothing, absolutely nothing happens in my life by accident. It takes very few hurdles in life to accept your lot as accidental. By default, many things happen in life that can make you easily conclude in this manner: “Surely this is not part of the deal. It can’t be part of the God’s good plan for me.”

Even Jesus pleaded and questioned God’s plan in the garden of Gethsemane when the road became very difficult to travel. Setbacks are difficult to absorb in life. Most times, it’s not the setbacks that hurt but the feeling the setbacks leave behind in your soul. It is this feeling that holds us back when we want to try again.

Peter emphasised everything that happened to Jesus was never by accident. It was pre-arranged. Everything that happened or will happen to you is all connected to your future pre-determined by God. This should encourage you; God knows what’s happening. His plan for you is watertight.

These are a few facts about His plan for you:

1. His plans are His thoughts for you. They are thoughts of peace, full of hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

2. His plans are unique to you. Just like your finger prints are unique to you, so are His plans. So, don’t be distracted or compare yourself to what’s happening in your friend’s life.

3. His plans are specific. There are no ambiguities in His plans. Everything was fashioned way before your existence.

4. His plans are perfect. They may not look perfect or adequate to you but His plans are the best you can depend on and build your life on. You may question His method but never doubt or question His plan for you

5. His plans cover every area of your life- past, present and future.

6. His plans are robust and well-thought out, with contingencies for all ‘unforeseen’ circumstances you may encounter in life.


About the Author

Wole Sosanya My name is Wole. I am a personal development junkie. Encouraging and inspiring people comes naturally for me. I am on a mission to inspire people to discover their potentials and possibilities in life. I started writing in 2009, blogging in 2012 and have published two books, Little Details Big Shift and Little Shifts

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