January 22, 2014 Wole Sosanya

15 Silly Things Wives Should Avoid

1. He does not like to be told what to do. Men love to figure things out themselves. So stop the lecturing all the time!

2. How you say what you say is more important than what you say. Stop the attitude and tap into your creative ability. He is not as strong as he looks.

3. Stop using divorce or sex to threaten and or blackmail him. It may backfire. There are many loan sharks outside your door waiting for him.

4. Stop airing your relationship/family issues everywhere. People don’t forget or forgive easily. Always remember that before you open your mouth.

5. He does not need your constant criticism or nagging. All he needs from you as his wife is listening ears (when he eventually talks) encouragement, and your belief in him

6. Don’t take him for granted. Just because he does not talk or always wants peace does not make him a fool.

7. Deprive him any of these three; (food, sex and respect) and you will never get the best he can be. That may be a free ticket for an unfaithful man to the world of fantasy and lust.

8. Stop comparing him with your friend’s husband. There is something they are not telling you. Stop looking over the green field across the fence, someone paid the price.

9. Your words are loaded pistols; they can either protect him, encourage him or destroy him. Stop bringing him down with your words, they have great influence on him. Use them wisely. Always pray for him

10. Having children is not an excuse not to take good care of yourself and you become unattractive and overweight. He has seen many cleavages today, has he seen yours? Remember, he is fascinated by what he sees!

11. You are a home maker, builder; don’t pull down your home yourself. A wise woman builds her home…Go and learn how to cook and make a home if you don’t have a clue. Always give the benefit of doubt; things are not always what they seem on the surface.

12. Stop comparing your husband to your father. They both have different roles to play in your life.

13. Your mother-in-law is not your competitor. She has her place; respect and love her. (She may be the key to your husband’s heart) Learn all you can from her. She is not your enemy

14. Stop complaining ‘he has changed.’ Help him in his struggle to be better and rediscover himself. He has caved in to the pressure of life, work and weight of responsibilities

15. Be careful who you seek counsel or advice from on your relationship with your husband. Not everybody wants you to be happy.

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About the Author

Wole Sosanya My name is Wole. I am a personal development junkie. Encouraging and inspiring people comes naturally for me. I am on a mission to inspire people to discover their potentials and possibilities in life. I started writing in 2009, blogging in 2012 and have published two books, Little Details Big Shift and Little Shifts
  • Olusegun Bankole

    Very useful advises. Keep on the good work.

    • Wole Sosanya

      thank you sir

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